Interesting visualisation on the change in dominance of web browsers over the last 28 years (yes, it really has been that long!)
Fascinating to see that there have been multiple organisations enjoying market dominance. Notably, Microsoft enjoyed significant market share (just shy of 93% at its peak) for many years. Which begs the question of how can an organisation with such considerable resources at its disposal and dominance be so badly disrupted at its peak?
Perhaps Microsoft decided that the web browser was no longer strategically important. I doubt that, with more and more apps and services being delivered over the internet the browser’s importance and use will only grow. Instead, someone else came along and simply did it better, faster, and cheaper: the hallmarks of a disruptor.
OSG Cloud is a relatively new entrant to the market. With our first 12 months of operations and trading now under our belt, we’ve onboarded 50 new customers, revenues in excess of £1M+ (the lion’s share of this once went to Microsoft’s Azure!), and achieved a 100% success rate with every customer that put the platform to the test through trial workloads, now committing fully to OSG.
Being Better, Faster, and More Affordable.
Better: We’ve invested in the best technologies and partnered with the best vendors available enabling us to stand over all elements of the service; not just the underpinning infrastructure, but all the way up the service delivery and management stack. All backed by robust SLAs and KPIs for application availability, security, management and governance.
Faster: Application and IT performance is key to improving the end users’ experience, business efficiencies and results. OSG Cloud is designed exclusively for Enterprise IT workloads, focused on one class of service that guarantees to outperform any On-premise, Public, or Private Cloud infrastructure.
More Affordable: On average, our service is 15% more cost effective when compared spec-for-spec against the big Hyperscalers and we can prove it. More importantly, we also offer complete budget certainly with predictable and transparent pricing. No more ‘bill shock’ or being penalised for trying to improve your users experience, applications and business performance.
If you’re currently, or considering, running your enterprise IT on cloud infrastructure, then please give us a shout. We can help you understand the true cost of Public Cloud, as well architect the most appropriate cloud solution and IT operating model.